About BHE Dads Club
Formed in 2019 by a group of involved Dad’s, the Bunker Hill Dad’s Club is a 501(C)(3) organization that exists to provide our children with a well maintained, safe, practical place to practice and play a variety of sports.The idea for the BHE Dad’s club came following the 2018 athletic seasons when the fields at BHE consisted more of burrs and weeds than grass. Kids playing football, soccer, baseball and softball were afraid to fall down onto the turf for fear of coming up with a handful of burrs and cuts. It was at that time that we determined that something had to be done.
Initially, the BHE Dad’s club short term goals were to maintain the current fields in good condition for the support of our BHE students and athletes. Then, in 2022, working with the School and District Leadership, the Dads Club was able to design and take ownership of the new athletic fields to ensure there would be well thought out, maintained and sustainable fields for BHE students into the future.
Moving forward, we look to continue to support not just the fields and athletic programs, but also create a community of Dads that supports the families, teachers, administrators and children at Bunker Hill Elementary. We are already doing this by funding the fields, supporting the PTA in various initiatives, as well as creating programs for dads to get more involved with the school and support the teachers and administrators who devote themselves to our kids.In order to continue to provide for the Bunker Hill students and teachers, we need support you and fellow dads to continue to achieve our goals. We hope that you reach out to join the BHE Dad’s Club and support and engage with this wonderful community.
The mission of the Bunker Hill Dad’s Club is to actively support our children, enhance their school experience, and ensure they have access to safe, well-maintained, and sustainable sports fields. We are committed to fostering a strong sense of community amongst BHE Dads and families as well as partner with our school to deliver lasting benefits for our students and their academic and athletic endeavors.
2024-2025 Dads Club Board

Adam Stellar

Winston Elliott

Gentry Robinson

Bond Hopkins